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Other CASH® Tools

Accles & Shelvoke offers a wide range of tools for different types of animals. Other tools in the captive bolt stunners range include the CASH® Small Animal Tool, CASH® Cowpuncher and CASH® Dispatch Kit.

Other CASH® Tools


CASH® Small Animal Tool

The CASH® Small Animal Tool is a cylindrical shaped cartridge powered humane stunning tool for small animals and birds.


CASH® Cowpuncher

CASH® Cowpuncher cylindrical stunning tool has world class reliability, performance and ergonomic design.


CASH® Dispatch Kit

The CASH® Dispatch Kit is a one box solution for emergency euthanasia.

About us

For over 100 years, Accles & Shelvoke have led the captive bolt stunning industry.

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For over 100 years, Accles & Shelvoke have led the captive bolt stunning industry.

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